AAV Forum

Thomas Baker Club => Orderley Room => Topic started by: Joel Richters on 16 0857Z Jan 2011

Title: Queensland Floods
Post by: Joel Richters on 16 0857Z Jan 2011
16 Feburary 2011

Queensland Flood Victims - Message of the Day

I would like to on behalf of the members of Australian Army Virtual pass on my condolences to the victims and those affected by the Queensland Floods. This is a tragic time and grim era that face all Queenslanders in the near future.

Australian Army Virtual is committed to bring a first class experience to our members. In doing so we have commenced online flights for our members at their homes across Australia to make a gesture of remorse for those who have lost their lives. On the 7 January 2011, Australian Army Virtual commenced a virtual Operations QUEENSLAND FLOOD ASSIST. To date we have conducted over 21 online missions. For every mission completed Australian Army Virtual will donate upto $5 to the Queensland Flood Appeal.

Until this devastating flood comes to a fold we will continue to raise funding through a range of methods to make our contribution to the relief effort. Once again our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Yours sincerely,