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Topics - Joel Richters

Orderley Room / VSOA Approved
25 2214Z Apr 2011
Ladies and Gents,

This morning I received the approval for Army Virtual to be classified a VSOA Partner. This a great achievement. This now means we are able to officially take part on VSO exercises and operations, and enjoy the luxuries that will allow us to enthusiastically support the customs and traditions of the Australian Army online. This has come at a great time when Australia is already in ANZAC day celebrations.

Although this is a major hurdle for AAV, it is not the last. We still need to complete a training program which can only be improved on the basic one that exists now. We still need a firmer membership base. All these areas of concern is what AHQ is looking into and they make it to the top of our priority list.

I would like to thank vMAJGEN Alex Murphy for his support and devotion to this VA which has lead us to where we are today. I would like to thank Mark Richards for his amazing training information and vCAPT Ryan Baker for putting it together for our members. May this be the start of an amazing organisation, and may we make it there together.

Your sincerely

Joel Richters
vLieutenant General
Orderley Room / Queensland Floods
16 0857Z Jan 2011
16 Feburary 2011

Queensland Flood Victims - Message of the Day

I would like to on behalf of the members of Australian Army Virtual pass on my condolences to the victims and those affected by the Queensland Floods. This is a tragic time and grim era that face all Queenslanders in the near future.

Australian Army Virtual is committed to bring a first class experience to our members. In doing so we have commenced online flights for our members at their homes across Australia to make a gesture of remorse for those who have lost their lives. On the 7 January 2011, Australian Army Virtual commenced a virtual Operations QUEENSLAND FLOOD ASSIST. To date we have conducted over 21 online missions. For every mission completed Australian Army Virtual will donate upto $5 to the Queensland Flood Appeal.

Until this devastating flood comes to a fold we will continue to raise funding through a range of methods to make our contribution to the relief effort. Once again our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Yours sincerely,